Bibliography L
Bibliography LL
Legislation – Mental Health
- Government of Saskatchewan. (2013). Mental Health Services Act of Saskatchewan M-13.1 Regina, SK: Publications Centre.
- Government of Canada. (2015). Criminal Code of Canada. Ottawa, ON: Author.
- Gray, J., & O’Reilly, R. (2001). Clinically significant differences among Canadian Mental Health Acts. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 46, 315–321.
- Health Canada. (2010). Canada Health Act. Ottawa, ON: Author. Kent-Wilkinson, A. (2015). The context of mental health care: Cultural, socioeconomic, and legal. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (3rd ed., Chapter 3, pp. 25–41). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
- Pollard, C. L. (2014). Ethical responsibilities and legal obligations for psychiatric mental health nursing practice. In M. J. Halter, Varcarolis’s Canadian psychiatric mental health nursing: A clinical approach. C. L. Pollard, S. L. Ray, & M. Haase (Eds.), (First Canadian ed., Chapter 8, pp. 114–130). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.
- Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. (2015, November 30). Submission to the Standing Committee on General Government: Bill 122, An Act to amend the Mental Health Act and the Health Care Consent Act, 1996. Toronto, ON: Author.
- Rynor, B. (2010). Value of community treatment orders remains at issue. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 182(8), E337–E338.
- World Health Organization. (1990). Declaration of Caracas. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.
- World Health Organization. (2005b). WHO Resource book on mental health, human rights and legislation. Geneva, Switzerland: Author.