Section Eight
Bibliography D
- See Neurocognitive Disorders: Delirium and Dementia
- See Neurocognitive Disorders: Delirium and Dementia
- Austin, W., & Boyd, M. A. (Eds.). (2015). Hamilton Rating scale for Depression. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (3rd ed., appendix E, pp. 914). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
- Kozy, M., & Varcarolis, E. M. (2014). Depressive disorders. Adapted by A-M Urban. In M. J. Halter, Varcarolis’s Canadian psychiatric mental health nursing: A clinical approach. C. L. Pollard, S. L. Ray, & M. Haase (Eds.), (First Canadian ed., chapter 14, pp. 231–259). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.
- Mood Disorders Society of Canada. (2013). What is depression? Guelph, ON: Author.
- Public Health Agency of Canada. (2014). What is depression? Ottawa, ON: Author.
- World Health Organization. (2012). Depression fact sheet. Geneva, CH: WHO Press.
- American Psychiatric Association. (2013a). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (5th ed. DSM-5). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
- Austin, W., & Boyd, M. A. (Eds.). (2015). Simplified Diagnoses for Tardive Dyskinesia (DS-TD). In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (3rd ed., appendix D, pp. 912–913). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
- Davis, C., & Snow, N. (2015). Diagnosis, intervention, and outcomes in psychiatric and mental health nursing. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (23rd ed., Chapter 11, pp. 165–185). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
- Halter, M. J. (2014). NANDA-I Nursing diagnosis 2012-2014. In M. J. Halter, Varcarolis’s Canadian psychiatric mental health nursing: A clinical approach. C. L. Pollard, S. L. Ray, & M. Haase (Eds.), (First Canadian ed., appendix B, pp.737–739). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.
- World Health Organization. (2007). International statistical classification of disease and related health problems 10th ed., ICD-10). Geneva, CH: WHO Press.
Dying and Grief
- MacPhee, C. L. (2014). Caring for the dying and for those who grieve. In M. J. Halter,
- Varcarolis’s Canadian psychiatric mental health nursing: A clinical approach. C. L. Pollard, S. L. Ray, & M. Haase (Eds.), (First Canadian ed., Chapter 33, pp. 659–675). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.