Section Eight
Bibliography I
Integrative Care (Alternative care)
- Barss, K. (2014). Integrative care. In M. J. Halter, Varcarolis’s Canadian psychiatric mental health nursing: A clinical approach. C. L. Pollard, S. L. Ray, & M. Haase (Eds.), (First Canadian ed., Chapter 37, pp. 717–734). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.
Interpersonal Violence
- See Abuse (Interpersonal Violence, Child, Older adult and Intimate Partner Abuse)
Interprofessional Collaboration
- Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC). (2010). A national interprofessional competency framework.
- Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). (2011). Interprofessional collaboration.
- Engel, J., & Prentice, D. (2013). The ethics of interprofessional collaboration. Nursing Ethics, 20(4), 426–435. doi:10.1177/0969733012468466
- Ewashen, C., McInnis-Perry, G., & Murphy, N. (2013). Interprofessional collaboration-in-practice: The contested place of ethics. Nursing Ethics, 20(3), 325–335.
- Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. (2015). Engaging clients who use substances. Toronto, ON: Author.
- World Health Organization. (2010). Framework for action on interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Geneva: Author.
- Davis, C., & Snow, N. (2015). Diagnosis, intervention, and outcomes in psychiatric and mental health nursing. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (23rd ed., Chapter 11, pp. 165–185). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
- Ewashen, C. (2015). Intervention with groups. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (3rd ed., Chapter 14, pp. 244–258). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
- Simpson, P. (2015). Family assessment and interventions. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (3rd ed., Chapter 15, pp. 259–274). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.