Section Eight
Bibliography E
Eating Disorders
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- Weaver, K. (2015). Feeding and eating disorders. In W. Austin & M. A. Boyd (Eds.), Psychiatric & mental health nursing for Canadian practice (3rd ed., Chapter 25, pp. 523–571). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Economic (Cost)
- Dewa, C. S., Chau, N., & Dermer, S. (2010). Examining the comparative incidence and costs of physical and mental health-related disabilities in an employed population. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 52(7), 758–762.
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- Lim, K. L., Jacobs, P., Ohinmaa, A., Schopflocher, D., & Dewa, C. S. (2008). A new population-based measure of the economic burden of mental illness in Canada. Chronic Diseases in Canada, 28(3), 92–98.
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Education (Nursing) Mental Health
- Cavanaugh, S. (2014). Emphasizing mental health in nursing education. Canadian Nurse, 110(4), 26–28.
- Kent-Wilkinson, A., Blaney, L., Groening, M., Santa Mina, E., Rodrigue, C., & Hust, C. (2016). CFMHN’s 3rd position paper 2016: Mental health and addiction curriculum in undergraduate nursing education in Canada. Technical paper prepared by members of the Canadian Federation of Mental Health Nurses (CFMHN) Education Committee. Toronto, ON: Author.
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